Wow Tobe Hooper, you really outdid yourself here! You know the old cliche, so bad it's good? This film embodies that statement and adds an extra explosion of the bad kind to entertain you. "Lifeforce" has maybe the most ridiculous plot of all time. Naked space vampires who can turn people into zombies, coming from Haley's comet to London and running wild. Yes that is the plot. What is your film style of choice? Vampire flick? Zombie flick? Comedy? Apocalyptic picture? Space Aliens? Soft-core porn? How about all, because that is what this is and much more. This is the personification of late night movie entertainment.
Gems from this film include:
*An embarrassing performance by Patrick Stewart, Captain Jean-Luc Picard would cry watching this.
*Actually good special effects, meaning a decent amount of money was put into one of the most ridiculous movie of the 80's
*Probably over 45 minutes of solid full frontal nudity from the lead female antagonist
*Almost 2 hour running time, and never a dull moment

*3 Lance Approvals*
Simply put, one of the best guilty pleasure of the 80's that Lance does not star in.
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