"Thinner" is a mid-90's Stephen King adaptation that finds itself lost somewhere in the middle of the King web of stories. It certainly isn't the worst, but no one is putting it in their top 10 Stephen King. "Thinner" is about an overweight lawyer that gets in a car wreck and accidentally kills an old gypsy woman. Her gypsy father then casts a curse on the fat lawyer turning him into a skinny freak. At first it is a blessing, but it becomes a curse the lawyer must put a stop to. "Thinner" is directed by Tom Holland, who you may know as the director of "Child's Play" and "Fright Night". The film also has some semi decent actors with often cast gangster Joe Mantegna ("House of Games"), often naked/whorish Kari Wuhrer ("Anaconda", "Sliders"), and often cast white guy Robert John Burke ("Robocop 3").
The problem with "Thinner" is that is plays out more like an extended episode of "Tales From The Crypt" opposed to a feature length movie. I like that it doesn't take itself too seriously and you are constantly entertained, but the twist ending and the over the top performances almost relegate it to "made for TV" status. I believe the good outweigh the bad though, and "Thinner" is heavy in appealing characteristics. In the end, "Thinner" is mostly enjoyable for it's excellent makeup effects and campy feel. Maybe not an essential B-movie, but a worthy 90's horror see.

*2 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*