This blog is basically about the hidden gems of the film industry that should be recognized more. Sometimes I like to talk about the really bad movies, or the gross movies, but every once in awhile I like to talk about one of the really good unknown films. "One False Move" by Carl Franklin is simply one of the very best unknown B movies of all time. Co-written/starring a then unheard of Billy Bob Thorton, this crime thriller is about a small group of criminals who are fleeing to a small town, and the detectives of LA County must instill the help of local small town Sheriff in their pursuit to capture the criminals. Sounds like your basic crime thriller doesn't it? Well it really isn't and it must be witnessed to understand.
"One False Move" is wonderfully directed, acted, and written. You aren't going to find many flaws here. Bill Paxton is both funny and sad. Billy Bob Thorton is wicked and Cynda Williams as Fantasia is mesmerizing. If you don't believe me, do your research and you will see that almost every critic and viewer agrees. This movie is probably the best crime thriller i've seen in this modern day and age. A quick interesting fact: this film was never even meant to hit theaters. But by word of mouth and demand it was released theatrically and not just on video.
Sometimes it is hard to give something like a really entertaining, but bad film a good grade, and then give a more serious piece of film making a similar good grade. I'd like to think it all depends on the audience and the understanding of the film. For example "One False Move" may get the same grade as something like "Dead Alive" but you look at them very differently. But in the end, they both deliver in the way they need to. I believe anyone who likes to look outside the box should check out some of these movies I've posted about, but if you had to pick one, then pick this one.

*4 Lance Approvals*
The only thing that could make this film better would be to include Lance himself. Otherwise, a perfect piece of film making.
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