"Supernova" got a bad rap upon initial release, but it really doesn't deserve the hate. At the same time, I wouldn't call it one of the best sci-fi movies of our generation. Well what do you get with "Supernova"? Throw 80's heartthrob James Spader, science fiction stablemate Angela Bassett, 90's teen Robin Tunney from "The Craft", Lou Diamond Phillips, and the gay dude from "My So Called Life" in a giant space ship. Also add a mysterious new passenger, alien artifact, and some trouble and you have the basic plot of "Supernova". Sadly, the film is somewhat predictable and not very original. We've seen this before. But besides it's flaws, "Supernova" offers some good. Bassett and Spader give great performances and the space effects are something to marvel at, especially for a film 10 years old. I wouldn't mind watching this in an IMAX experience. I still prefer the late 20th Century science fiction films such as "Event Horizon", "The Matrix", and "Gattaca", but "Supernova" is a solid minor league science fiction film. This is definitely worth checking out for sci-fi nerds.

*2 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*
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