Just like recently reviewed "Whiteout", this film takes place in the cold and there is a mysterious killer, with a little backstory involving a troubled cop. And although "Whiteout" was based off an original graphic novel, I believe the film adaptation rips off "Eye See You" in some small aspects. But mostly i'd say "Eye See You" is "The Thing" meets "Seven" minus the monsters but still having all the ice. I have to say I'd place this movie in the flawed but under appreciated category. The best thing this movie has going for it is the cast. The acting, especially by Stallone is far above average and you have a whole slew of actors to notice to go along with him. Dina Meyer "Starship Troopers", Robert Patrick "T2" & "X-Files", Kris Kristofferson "Blade", Charles Dutton "Alien3", Tom Berenger "Sniper" & "Platoon", Stephen Lang "Avatar" are just some of the major players in this film. As you can tell it has no shortage of B-movie greats. If you are a Stallone fan, or a late night B grade mystery fan, then this is probably a quality check for you.
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