Sunday, April 3, 2011


Yes, you've probably heard of this movie. Yes, it is one of the sickest films in recent history. And yes, it will make you extremely uncomfortable. Surprisingly though, it isn't the most graphic or gory film out there. You don't see all the surgical details, you are mostly sickened by the idea and way the film plays out. If you are looking for some sort of comeback or positivity, you won't find it here.

The film follows 2 idiot girls traveling across Europe alone. They break down on a country road and find refuge in a house owned by an old Nazi doctor. He has sick fantasies of performing strange medical experiments on humans, and he has found the perfect subjects in these two girls. What unfolds next is a serious of disturbing sequences that have to been seen to be believed. Roger Ebert went as far as to not award this film any stars, saying something along the lines that he doesn't believe this is really a film and it doesn't deserve stars, yet it will have an audience who will see it regardless. At Death of the B-movie we aren't above rewarding the disgusting, but we also don't generously handout Lance approvals to trash. "The Human Centipede" is stuck somewhere in between. I find myself sickened by parts and bored with others. I felt it actually could have been done better. It could have been sicker. It could have been moving. But there is no denying it is one of the most controversial movies in recent memory.
*2 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*

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