For a sequel, this isn't horrible. But I couldn't get over my initial thoughts, what was the point of this movie? None really. Gordon Gekko isn't as tough. Shia LaBeouf is well, Shia LeBeouf. There are talks of the current financial crisis, and Charlie Sheen is used in a pointless cameo. That is a summary of what was interesting to me about the film. Oliver Stone is a fine film maker. There are all the elements that make a film great here: good actors, solid script, solid production, drama, etc. But "Money Never Sleeps" is missing the what makes you care factor. The original "Wall Street" is one of the great dramas of the 80s. It may be a cliche at this point, but at the time it was innovative and one of the best movies of all time on corporate greed. "Money Never Sleeps" continues that story in today's age, but why? I'm not really sure other than to comment on our country's financial crisis, which everybody is well aware of. We don't need a multi-million dollar movie filled with images of expensive apartments and nice suits to remind us of that.

*2 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*
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