"The Sure Thing" is Rob Reiner's teen angst movie following the success of his mocumentary "Spinal Tap" but pre-existing his other famous works such as "When Harry Met Sally", "Misery", and "Stand by Me". The Sure Thing follows a young John Cusack and Daphne Zuniga going to college together and hating each other's guts. They end up taking an unexpected road trip together to California. Cusack is going to meet a babe who his friend describes as a "sure thing" and Zuniga is going to visit her nerdy no fun boyfriend. Along the way they become friends, and yes you guessed it, develop feelings for each other. But it doesn't stop there, you must watch to see what happens next.
Cusack will forever be remembered in the 80's as the boy who stood outside Diane's window with a boom box over his head playing Peter Gabriel. Zuniga is probably more known for her 80s' roles as well, such as "Space Balls", a major stint on "Melrose Place" and even a smaller appearance in earlier posted "Vision Quest". There are some other noteworthy actors here, early in their career such as Anthony Edwards ("Top Gun", "E.R.") and Tim Robbins ("Shawshank Redemption", "Mystic River"). Every performance is good. The direction is spot on, and while cliche, the story develops nicely. This is a good example of solid filmmaking, even if it isn't the most original piece of work. Check it.

*3 Lance Approvals*
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