When most people think hockey movie classics, they don't think about "Youngblood". In fact, most people don't even know Rob Lowe and Patrick Swayze star in a movie about hockey. Sure, it isn't the greatest, but for an 80's fan it is definitely entertaining. From a technical aspect, both involving hockey and film making, it isn't the most accurate and well done of films. But where "Youngblood" succeeds is creating that 80's angst and providing quality characters. Patrick Swayze once again plays a badass and Lowe is stuck playing the pretty boy up and coming athlete with a chip on his shoulder. There is also an early performance by a young Keanu Reeves. If you like "The Mighty Ducks" and 80's montage you might want to check out this out.

*2 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*
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