I've personally declared February the ultimate 80's month here at Death of the B-Movie. Only 80's gems all month, and boy are we starting off with a gem. 1985's high schoool wrestling tour de force titled "Vision Quest" stars Matthew Modine ("Full Metal Jacket") as a pervy teenager who is trying to make his mark in wrestling before he graduates. The story follows his training, but also deals with his feelings for a young woman named Carla ("Dogma") while dealing with other teenage issues. This film is full of trivia and noteworthy moments. With guest appearances including the film debut of Madonna, the guy who's head becomes a monster in "The Thing", the father played by the lead villain in "Robocop", along with Jake Ryan himself from "Sixteen Candles" as a fake Native American, this film has no shortage of 80's stars. You even get an early small appearance by the man himself, Forrest Whitaker. Not only is the movie filled with a lot of recognizable faces; you get one of the best 80's soundtracks out there. From Journey's "Only The Young", to Red Rider's ghostly anthem "Lunatic Fringe", this will give you plenty of inspirational montage moments and thoughts of a better time, the 1980's!

*3 Lance Approvals*
"The best movie out there about REAL wrestling"
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