If you are looking to take an intense journey into different dimensions and unlock the crazy thoughts of our mind and universe, "Altered States" is probably the closest you can come to that without taking drugs. The film follows a Harvard scientist who decides to conduct experiments on himself with hallucinogenic drugs and an isolation chamber. Desperate to unlock the keys of the universe, this scientist finds himself on the wrong side of these experiments as his life and reality start to spin out of control.

Growing up as a child obsessed with horror and science fiction, certain images just stay in your mind throughout the years. Remembering what the movie is called, or even what it is about, is not always what sticks with you, but memorable scenes and images cling to your brain. This was the case with "Altered States" and me, so much so I couldn't help myself by only posting the DVD cover. I remember seeing the goat with many eyes and the muddy blob shape of a transforming man screaming, but not being able to quite put my finger to the movie, until I saw parody's in popular culture about 10 years later. This helped me find the film again and unlock the images my mind was holding prisoner. Much like my thoughts, I feel this movie is an amazing journey into the beyond. William Hurt's debut is one of his most solid efforts as an actor, and even if you find the plot confusing, you can't help but marvel at the magic this film exudes. Not many movies in the 80's had "Altered States" trippy feel, and nothing today can really compare. The only thing that comes close to "Altered States" is the similar climax of equally as trippy "2001: A Space Odyssey". Computer graphics and action science fiction have taken over an originally thought provoking genre, and "Altered States" is one of the last of it's kind. Prepare to be fascinated.

*3 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*
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