Monday, June 28, 2010


This movie is so early 90's in hurts. Still, it remains entertaining in a day with outrageously advanced special effects. "The Lawnmower Man" takes it's name from a Stephen King story, but honestly has nothing to do with it, which can be learned more about when reading up on the lawsuit King won against this film. The film follows a "slow" Lawnmower man named Jobe who lives with a priest and has been constantly shit on his whole life. The townspeople make fun of him and his only true friend is a young child. In comes outcast scientist Pierce Brosnan, looking for any way to keep going with his virtual reality simulated research. He uses Jobe as his experiment, and while Jobe's mind makes extreme progress quickly, other problems start to arise.

"The Lawnmower Man" even in it's day probably wasn't taken very seriously. But with the current state of CGI compared to the old school computer effects in this film, I doubt any casual movie goer would bother watching. Ignoring these aspects, I still think this movie is awesome. Once Jobe goes completely insane in the computer world he has some great quotes. Also the acting by Jeff Fahey (B Movie Badass) and Pierce Brosnan is surprisingly good, even if it is surrounded by a not so stellar script. Those who grew up in the 90s can probably appreciate this more, but those who haven't might enjoy it from a purely entertaining standpoint, or if anything, just to see how far computers have come along in less than 20 years.

*3 Lance Approvals*

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