Throw out all the future society concept/questions and make way for poorly choreographed martial arts battles in outer space. Get rid of interesting supporting roles and replace them with stereotypical racist black characters and half naked women. Throw away models and carefully made set pieces for horrible early computer game CGI. Why are women and men in the same living quarters sharing showers? Wouldn't rape and sex be a huge issue in a facility supposedly harboring evil criminals? Or was this ignored in order to have the ability to show boobs? The acting and script is atrocious and even C-Lamb's cunningness couldn't save this film. The worst part about it is that it doesn't need to be this bad. Lambert, while not being mistaken for Daniel Day Lewis anytime soon, is a solid actor and "Fortress 2" just tries to ride the coat tails of the original film, but without the unique touches. There are moments where I saw makings of a decent film. Lambert must have been hard up at this point in his career. Stick to the original unless you are looking for one of those nights were you are entertained by the worst.
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