Wow, I somehow made it a year with this blog. When I first did my 2009 Halloween piece, I never thought I'd still be putting time and effort into this blog. Usually that is how things go with me, but my passion for film has somehow kept me going, even through the non-active spots. Anyway, this is what I think you should watch this year. Face it, you are probably a nerd anyway if you are reading this blog and won't be going to any Halloween parties with cool costumes and slutty chicks. Here is my official guide to 2010 Halloween night viewing, hopefully I'll still be around for 2011...

Yes, this is the remake of the ultra classic black and white original. Yes, it is not as good as that film. But, I have to say, it is still extremely enjoyable. I would rank it among one of the better remakes and you can start your night off with something solid. There are scares, extra gore, and pretty decent performances by the actors. I recommended the original last year (obvious choice), but the less obvious choice of the remake may be a good choice to start off your night in the dark...
Now move onto something a little more fun. "Tales From The Darkside" was the less popular more low budget show compared to "Tales From The Crypt", but it still had its fanbase, enough to produce multiple seasons and a movie. You don't have to take this movie seriously, but it is quite enjoyable. Personal favorite story in the anthology is the gargoyle one, but all are pretty cool really.
It seems like this year, I'm advocating movies that are generally not liked. "Halloween III" was hated by many. A sequel to the classic original and the slasher gem 2nd film not involving Michael Myers? WTF people were outraged and it still seems to carry over into today's world. In the midst of all the hate, people don't realize they are watching an awesome movie. As far as plot goes, it actually makes no sense. Things happen that really have no reason for happening, but I have to say this is one of the most unique and entertaining low budget films of the 80s. And along with the cool deaths and gore, you have B movie icon Tom Atkins playing a detective type character. You also have the signature eerie John Carpenter score and feel to this movie. Something that is lacking from Halloween 4 and on. I prefer it to all the other sequels where they brought Michael Myers in fact. Maybe if it had a different name, it could have been more successful...
"Dead Snow" is my more modern pick for the year and I was thoroughly entertained by it. Yes, it is foreign, but it seems that only foreign film directors seems to get the B movie genre these days. You can still create an exciting and fun movie, without making it a complete joke. "Dead Snow" falls under that category. It has an extremely ridiculous premise; Nazi zombies attacking some young kids in a cabin. There is a ton of over the top gore and violence, and some intentionally comedic moments, but somehow it just works. This is a good movie, one that will entertain you, but satisfy your sick needs. Zombies are getting more and more popular it seems, but if I have to go with a modern zombie flick, I'm telling you to watch "Dead Snow".
I could pick any number of classics as the #1 pick this year, but there is a reason I picked this one. "The Shining" will always be one of the top 3 scariest movies of all time. If you try to argue otherwise, you are just wrong. I am desensitized to scares at this point, but "The Shining" still evokes a little emotion out of me. If you are a wuss, this is not the movie to be watching alone in the dark tonight. But if you want a really solid scary end to your night, you aren't going to find much better than "The Shining".
I saw Season of the Witch for the first time in a theater last month. It was pretty solid! We almost got kicked out for yelling "Atkins!!!" at the screen.