"The Mangler" had all the makings for a 90's horror classic. Based off a Stephen King story: Check. Starring horror icon Robert Englund: Check. Directed by influential "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" director Tobe Hooper: Check. Decent special effects and gore: Check +! Even the premise is somewhat cool and unique; a massive laundry machine in a factory starts to go haywire when it tastes the blood of a worker involved in an accident with the machine. Somewhere between pre-production and the filming something went completely wrong though. I've heard of people referring to this film in the "so bad it's good" category, but I wouldn't even classify it in that. The acting and script is atrocious. Something else about the movie makes it unwatchable, at least sober. I'm not sure if they were trying to be funny with the cop's nerdy sidekick or the over the top makeup and performance of Robert Englund as an old man, but they really missed the "black comedy" boat. I found myself surfing the nerd more than paying attention to this film. What boggles my mind even more is that is has somehow produced multiple sequels. Everyone knows that the sequel usually sucks, especially in horror, but at least the original has something worthwhile to make it into a series. I guess when it comes to "The Mangler", it didn't matter. Only gets 1 approval for some savage gore and some cool effects.

*1 Lance Approval*
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