"Night of the Demons" is what we over here at Death of the B-Movie like to call "a classic of bad cinema". Straight up, the acting sucks, the budget sucks, the direction and plot suck, there isn't much good going around, but it still manages to be an extremely entertaining movie. Luckily it doesn't take itself too seriously, and once it gets going, it is a treat to watch.
The film basically follows typical stupid 80's teenagers who go to a haunted house type setting on Halloween and bad shit starts to happen. The reason why and how possession by demons starts remains unclear, but is that really necessary in a film like this? I'd say it is comparable to the "Evil Dead" films with its low budget gore with equal scares and laughs. Supposedly a remake has been made that I have yet to view, but we all know a movie like this can only be done in the 80's. Need I say more horror nerds? If you haven't seen it, you must check it out...

*3 Lance Approvals*
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