"The Stuff" was no doubt a classic of my childhood. I somewhat forgot about it over the years but awhile back I was going through the local 50 cent VHS and lone behold there was a copy. How could I pass it up? First the good news: The film is not your basic schlock horror. My memory only had me remembering the gross out parts, but there is actually a message under it all. The film is definitely a commentary on American consumerism and the ideals of just blindly buying into what we are told. Now the bad: the acting is almost unbearable at points. Some of the actors are Ok, but even for a bad movie, it is really bad. The special effects are decent and cool to look at, especially for an extremely low budget movie in the 80s. "The Stuff" can be viewed as your basic cheesy 80's movie, but I believe it has it's own identity. This film never takes itself seriously, which is good to an extent. For fans of "The Blob" and ice cream.

*2 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*
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