The other night my inner child was calling and I decided to check out a classic of my childhood almost long forgotten. I hadn't watched "Shipwrecked" since I was probably 8 years old and I only had vague memories of Gabriel Byrne being some asshole pirate in it and a young boy discovering gold on a deserted island. My faint memory of the film lead me to believe that this would be one of the better children films to translate to adulthood. I remembered that it was made by Disney ( I used to watch it on the Disney Channel all the time ), but there was something distinctly different about it, possibly more mature? After I finished watching it, I would say I had a mixed bag of emotions.
"Shipwrecked" is definitely different than your average children's movie or your family safe Disney film. I wouldn't say it breaks any boundaries and does anything inappropriate for family entertainment, but it just has the workings of a more mature and respectable production. Though, I believe the different touch relates more to the fact that it is a mainly foreign made film, something a young kid wouldn't pick up on. At the same time, it doesn't take any risks and the ending is as predictable as it gets. This film falls more under the category that I wouldn't watch myself, but would rather watch with my future child instead of all the other children's garbage out there.

*2 Lance Approvals*
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