In the past decade or so, asian extreme horror and action have been the hottest imports. Whether they are bad or good, American distribution companies are all over that shit bringing it to the U.S. masses. Not only do they release it on DVD over here but a lot have been translated into American remakes. Luckily for "Versus" it is weird enough to maybe avoid that horrible destiny.
The premise is simple enough. Prisoners escape into a forest where bad guys must meet good guys with zombies and martial arts violence. Worrying about the plot in "Versus" is like worrying about the plot of a reality TV show; completely irrelevant, just sit back and enjoy the ride. There is enough horror movie gore in this film to make Romero proud, along with enough stylish action violence to get a nod of approval from John Woo.
Although I won't condemn the plot or the over the top acting in a movie like this, I will point out a few flaws. Like many of it's Japanese counter parts, it drags. The violence more than makes up for it, but the pacing and dragging out of scenes can be a little much, even for the B-movie fan club. This film was made for a certain fan base, so be sure of that when viewing it. Japanese film fans and bloody violence nerds should be all over this. Your average movie goer, stay away.

*2 1/2 Lance Approvals*
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