This is the kind of movie 80's month is based around and also the kind of the movie that embodies what this blog is about. Obscure, unknown, hidden gems that really are great movies, not just in the cheese department. I don't want to give the plot away, but it involves suicide and how it affects the people directly involved with the person who decides to commit the act. I haven't been moved by a teenage film like this in a long time. Without getting too corny, this is really something special.
Yes, the 80s cliches do show. It looks very 80s, which is not a bad thing, but if it is for you, get past it. This film portrays great emotion and originality. This is easily one of Keanu Reeve's best performances as an actor. He's been in a lot of good movies, but he is always dull or comical. This time around he pulls out all the punches. There is also a lot of great music in this film. Soundtrack wise and performance wise.

*3 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*
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