I wasn't blown away by this film, but it provides you with the typical 80s entertainment you expect, nothing more nothing less. Bisset is the attractive older woman, with a somewhat deeper layer. McCarthy is the tortured baby face as always, and Lowe; I guess is the nerdier character although I wouldn't classify him as that per say. Pretty stereotypical overall, but has hints of a more serious nature, possibly separating it from the rest of the pack. Don't just expect raunchy laughs (although there are many). You will probably judge the movie on which layer you choose to pay more attention too and how you view it. On one end, you may be entertained by the teenage sex farce angle, but you may also be bored with it. Nothing new is explored there. On the other hand you may be interested in the love angle or it's take on the subject of friendships/relationships, but also weighed down by the dramatic heaviness the film puts on us after many moments of pure raunch and comedy. Maybe it actually falls somewhere in between, which is where I land with this film.
*2 and 1/2 Lance Approvals*
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